Automatic doors are all around us and most people take them for granted when they walk into a shop or airport. The door just opens and closes again without a second thought.
It's only when you or someone that you know has the need for an automatic door at home or place of work does it become apparent that door automation isn't such a simple subject and that there is a lot to know.
If you are looking to get a door or doors automated, for yourself, an elderly or disabled family member, then it can be a bit daunting when dealing with companies that may baffle you with jargon and leave you feeling confused as to what you really need and what's best for you.
ADI Doors and automation are based in Fareham in Hampshire and work in and around the Southern Counties, we would be pleased to discuss the provision and automation of any doors or automation with you
To get in touch Call or Whatsapp message us on 07570 349 498 or email us at
We have put together the following guide to Residential Door Automation to help anyone who is considering having a door or doors automated in their house, bungalow, apartmernt or flat.
Hopefully it will help people to understand the terminology, the function and the way the different parts of an automatic door work. Giving you the knowledge and understanding to make an informed decision about what is required.
Types of automatic doors
Swing Door Automation
For residential applications this the most common type of door automation and can usually be fitted to an existing front rear door and also internal doors.
Also know as "HInged Door Automation" these are self exlanitory;
They are the type of door that most households already have fitted, but instead, they open and close withiout the need to push or pull them by hand.

Internal Sliding Door Automation
Where space is limited, "sliding automatic doors" are the next most popular type of residential door automation.
These are commonly fitted to a bathroom door which has been adapted to allow wheelchair access and the width of the door would be too big to open into the hallway.
Internal sliding doors for residential use, generally come in two different types:
Wall Mount
Also known as "Face Fixed" these doors hang in front of a wall or room divider and slide from the doorway to one or both sides of the opening.
The sliding doors can be seen from one side of the entance. The moving door leaves are usually made from wood or sometimes glass.
Pocket Doors
Also known as "concealed sliding doors" these doors slide into a wall or room divider on one or both sides.
The sliding doors are hidden in the wall when in the open position. The moving door leaves are usually made from wood or sometimes glass.
This type of sliding internal door is very neat, but takes a lot more planning and work to fit. The process usually involves adding a false or stud-wall partition in front of an existing wall to hide the motor gearing and sliding tracks. With this type of sliding door consideration needs to be given to future maintenance. As access to the component parts will be required and some form of access hatch or higed panel will be needed.